Travis Manion

Fallen Hero’s Hometown and State: Doylestown, PA
Branch of Service: U.S. Marine Corps
Rank: First Lieutenant
Marine 1st Lt. Travis Manion made the ultimate sacrifice in the Al Anbar province of Iraq. When his fellow Marine Corps and Iraqi Army counterparts were ambushed, 1st Lt. Manion led the counterattack against the enemy forces. He was fatally wounded by an enemy sniper while aiding and drawing fire away from his wounded comrades. His selfless actions allowed every member of his patrol to survive.
Travis was big in the little things. From an early age he exhibited tremendous character, leadership, and selfless service. He exemplifies the current generation of military members and how they define America’s national character.
Before leaving for his second deployment to Iraq, Travis was asked why he had to go back. Without hesitation he answered “If Not Me, Then Who…” Guided by this mantra, veterans and survivors continue their service, develop strong relationships with their communities, and thrive in their post-military lives through the Travis Manion Foundation.
Age: 26
Date of Death: April 29, 2007