Stuart Wolfer

Fallen Hero’s Hometown and State: Coral Springs, FL
Branch of Service: Multi-National Security Transition Command
Rank: Major
Major Stuart Wolfer was assigned to the Multinational Security Transition Command – Iraq (MNSTC-I). He served on the Civilian Police Transition Team and was in charge of helping to stand up the Iraqi police force to take charge of their country. He died in an indirect fire incident while stationed in Baghdad at a FOB in the “Green Zone”.
Stu was a giving person. While deployed to Iraq, he volunteered what little free time he had in helping out with the Boy Scouts in Iraq. He saw the importance of starting leadership at an early stage and the children were the future of Iraq.
Stu was an honorable man, had a strong Jewish faith and he left behind a wife and three daughters while serving his country.
Age: 36
Date of Death: April 06, 2008