Ronnie Donald Cox
Fallen Hero’s Hometown and State: Addison, TX
Branch of Service: Addison Police Department
Rank: Officer
Just before he was shot and killed in the line of duty, he had uncharacteristically rapped on my door, saying, “Police!.” Without thinking I rashly opened the door. As we say in TX, “He was on me like a duck on a June bug!” “Anybody can say they are the Police!” he scolded. He had taught me to call 911 and ask if they had a unit at my address, a lesson I will never forget.
He cared, and he acted on it. Officer Cox protected me, Officer Cox served me, all of which told me he loved me. And who knows how many others he personally served, protected and loved?
“Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”
Age: 46
Date of Death: December 15, 1986