Robert Kelly

Fallen Hero’s Hometown and State: Woodbridge, VA
Branch of Service: U.S. Marine Corps
Rank: First Lieutenant
Robert Kelly enlisted in the Marine Corps in 2003. In 2008, Robert was commissioned and completed officer training courses. 1st Lt. Kelly was stationed in Camp Pendleton, California, assigned to 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Corps. As a platoon commander with 3/5, he deployed to Sangin, Afghanistan in the fall of 2010. While on patrol with his Marine Corps, 1st Lt Kelly was killed by an IED.
Robert was faithfully committed to serving with his fellow Marines. He dedicated his life to service. After he left on what would be his final deployment, Robert frequently wrote letters and said how much he missed his family back home but that he didn’t want to be anywhere else but serving alongside his Marines.
1st Lt. Kelly was an exceptional person inside and out – not only as a Marine but as a husband, son, brother, and friend.
Age: 29
Date of Death: November 09, 2010