Jordan C. Schumann
Fallen Hero’s Hometown and State: Port St. Lucie, FL
Branch of Service: U.S. Army
Rank: Specialist
Specialist Jordan Schumann didn’t have a long time to serve. He was killed in action three months into his first deployment (Afghanistan). But he died doing what he loved. He was on a rescue mission to retrieve stranded and wounded comrades. He and two other soldiers and an interpreter were all killed when they hit IEDs in the vicinity of rescue.
Jordan had a heart for the hurting. He always fought for the under dog. He always saw the good in people. He was beyond loyal to his family and friends. He wanted to make the world laugh. He had a contagious laugh and could lighten the harshest situations. He loved life and he died trying to rescue others.
Greater love has no man than this, than to lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13
Age: 24
Date of Death: July 05, 2011