Jonathan M. Compton
Fallen Hero’s Hometown and State: Cleburne, TX
Branch of Service: U.S. Marine Corps
Rank: First Sergeant
Jonathan always knew he wanted to be a Marine, and he enlisted in the Marine Corps his senior year of high school, 1999. Jonathan proudly served his country in the Marine Corps for fifteen years to include combat.
Jonathan was kind, genuine, smart, and strong – a loving and devoted husband and father. He had a wonderful ability to lead in every situation while making everyone feel important and included. He was loud, funny, and always captivating.
Jonathan’s amazing qualities and characteristics made him a kind and loving husband, father, son, and friend. His devotion to the U.S. Marine Corps and leadership skills made him a superb Marine. However, underneath the surface were a host of invisible wounds and scars that ultimately overcame Jonathan.
Age: 33
Date of Death: November 23, 2014