Don Woollett
Fallen Hero’s Hometown and State: Bartlesville, OK
Branch of Service: United States Marine Corps
Rank: 1st LT
Don Woollett was a Naval Academy graduate, class of ‘80. He chose to go the Marine option and was the top graduate of his Infantry officer’s class. Assigned to 1st Battalion 8th Marine Regiment at Camp Lejeune, NC, Don would deploy with the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit.
The 24th MEU would deploy into Beirut as part of the UN Peace Keeping mission. On Sunday morning 23 Oct 1983, a terrorist drove a truck bomb to the front of the barracks and took the lives of 241.
Don was a good friend and a good man. He greeted life with a warm smile enjoying a passion for history and Doritos. His was a quiet strength and Don went through life on an even keel with a strong inner confidence. They came in peace. The mission in Beirut was that of peace keeper. A role that fit Don well. He represented the best in us . . . his loss is our loss.
Age: 25
Date of Death: October 23, 1983