Resources | Sacrifice
Know Your Past

- Learn the significance of The Twin Towers.
- Identify the meaning of a memorial.
Share the following background information with the group:
The Twin Towers were famous buildings in New York City that people from all over the world could recognize. On September 11, 2001, four planes were hijacked, or taken over, by nineteen terrorists and flown into important buildings. Two of those planes were flown into the Twin Towers. The damage caused both towers to collapse or fall down. This forever changed the skyline of New York City.
On this day 2,997 passed away this day, out of this number; 343 Firefighters and 71 law enforcement officers lost their lives, lives risked trying to save as many as possible oftentimes becoming victims themselves.
Ask the group to look closely at the attached The New Yorker cover and share what they notice in the photo. Lead a guided inquiry by asking the following questions. Ask participants to record their observations of the following:
- Describe what you see on this cover.
- What do you notice about the buildings?
- Do you recognize any of the buildings? Which ones?
- Where does this take place? How can you tell?
- When was this cover made?
Have the group reflect on the following:
- How many people died on Sept. 11, 2001?
- How many of the people listed are the first responders who died that day after the attacks?
- How does this cover help us to remember the Twin Towers?
Discuss that there is a special name for places that help us remember – they’re called memorials. A memorial is one way to pay tribute or show respect. Ask students to identify a hero from the list of names provided and have them pay tribute to the heroes who risked their lives by printing them out on the attached bib and writing down their names to be carried and remembered that day.