Carry It Anywhere
Honor our nation’s heroes by hosting your own event
Can’t attend one of our in-person events or want to support Carry The Load all year round? We encourage you to create and host your own Carry It Anywhere event. It’s a great way to turn a fun social activity into a moving cause.
Visit our JustGiving page to learn more about how to fundraise, donate, or share event details.

- Throw a party—Honor someone special to you (Military, Veteran, First Responder)
- Host a fundraiser for Carry The Load—From a silent auction to a bike-a-thon, there are many fun ways to encourage giving among your friends
- Post pictures of your event on social media using #carrytheload
- Donate your birthday to fundraise on Facebook
- Challenge your friends to particpate in the Heroes Challenge
- Hold your own walk with friends across the country with FB Live
- Be creative!